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Never before has an attack to multiple computers been so great than in the last few years. We have seen more and more of these ransomware attacks targeting large corporations and businesses. Why? Because most of these businesses are too large to effectively keep their systems up to date and scanned daily. So, what happens? Cost-saving and penny-pinching CEO’s have to bite the outrageous price of having to fix this. But why? Because instead of preventing issues like, ransomware, from happening, companies are more reactive. There has always been a simple preventitive measure in place for largely keeping these problems at bay. Updates. Micrsoft even knows this and has a weekly patch schedule. As long as you are at least running Windows 7 or newer, you are mostly safe. Now, we always recommend the latest system, which at this time is Windows 10. But, as we all know, you can’t just upgrade your computer like you do your phones every 6 months to 2 years.

So, what else can be done to prevent this? Well, not much. For those who thought that your anti-virus that you pay a hefty price for every month or year is going to save you, you’d be wrong. Most anti-virus or similar programs use the same signature databases to keep up-to-date. But, that isn’t enough. Hackers have gone beyond that and a simple scan through a database will show what has been fixed. So, if the hacker is feeling adventerous, he or she can just mark down the fixes and go for other loopholes in your system. Most hackers do this because it pays so well. It is lucrative for organizations to have large corporations and economies fail. It is their goal and mission to achieve chaos.

Largely though, there are IT companies everywhere combatting this. Every day, there are new ideas being thought. How can I prevent this? How can I maintain my customer’s data? Thinking outside the box, what could I do different that would help? A simple solution that should be on every company’s mind is….backups! A reliable and secure backup of your critical data. But why only critical data? Why not everything? The amount of storage you would need to store everything would be too great. Keeping it minimum saves on cost and can help get you back up and running quicker if a disaster should happen. I don’t just mean ransomware. If a natural distaster should hit, where is your data? Where can you quickly setup if you need your data? How quickly can you deply a small, temporary office? What would you need? Well, that in sense, is why you need bare minimums to deploy small temporary offices. This would be small enough data to get the ball rolling. If you needed to store more, the cloud is a good option for files. A lot of cloud file services, such as Google Drive or Microsoft Sharepoint are great for companies who need to store a large amount of documents or pictures. These sites also provide the ability for other users to view and/or edit these files.

Want help figuring it out? Need a disaster recovery plan? Don’t know what one is? Contact us today and let us help you.

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